[Free Audiobooks] 2 free titles from AudioSYNC Summer of Reading [Young Adult, Historical Fiction, Plays, Satire]

AudioFile’s SYNC Summer of Listening 2017 promotion for young adults continues, which offers 2 free audiobooks per week—1 classic or non-fiction, 1 modern—as free MP3 downloads, usually available worldwide (some titles are subject to geo-restrictions, and you can see the [planned release schedule here][sync-list]).

This week’s two selected titles, available until 7am Eastern Time on July 6th, are as follows:

  • American Night: The Ballad of Juan José by Richard Montoya, a satirical play about US history from the perspective of a Mexican immigrant cramming for his citizenship test; from L. A. Theatre Works, performed by a full cast
  • My Name Is Not Easy by Debbie Dahl Edwardson, a National Book Award finalist YA historical drama novel about the experiences of Iñupiat Alaskan teens attending a Catholic-run residential boarding school during the 1960s, which attempts to sever their ties with their native Iñupiaq language and culture; from Brilliance Audio, read by Nick Podehl & Amy Rubinate

Offered as DRM-free MP3s through 7am Eastern Time on July 6th, available in selected countries worldwide (requires installing Overdrive Media console software on your PC, Mac, Android, or iDevice, and you need to finish downloading before the time limit).